Reduce not only your energy and bill costs but your carbon footprint too

As a decision-maker, considering how your company can utilise its current building and land assets for renewable energy is essential. Rising fossil fuel costs and the depletion of resources combined with the impact of climate change has forced many businesses to reassess how they keep the lights on.


Our key aim is to help create energy independence for businesses of all sizes. Our experts at MAC Trade Services have decades of combined experience in the commercial solar panel installation. We offer an independent consultancy process for first time renewable investors or businesses who want to expand or upgrade their existing assets. MAC Trade Services will assess if your business qualifies for the Government rebates such as the REPS scheme in South Australia. We look at all aspects of your premises and advise on how it can be made more energy-efficient and recommend the types of technology that will offer the best return on investment

Benefits of solar

Savings on Your Bill

Some of our clients have seen more than 50% reduction in their monthly electricity costs thanks to solar.

STC’s (small scale technology certificate) and LGC’s (large scale generation certificate)

You could receive the benefit of Small-Scale Technology Certificates (STCs) which is a government incentive to help reduce the upfront cost of installing your energy solution. Large business can earn LGC’s which can then be sold on to businesses and individuals.

Environmental Benefits

Reduce your organisation’s carbon footprint to reach your carbon goals by storing excess solar energy and using it when you need it to deliver environmental benefits for your organisation. Your customers will love your commitment to the environment.

Finance Solutions

MAC Trade Services can introduce you to finance solutions to help you finance your solar with 0% interest loans and simple, affordable repayments.


Determine your business’s energy objectives.

Develop preliminary solution & estimate financial benefits.

Technical site review to minimise project variations.

Complete proposal for final approval.

Install, including all required approvals and compliance.

Ongoing maintenance, monitoring and system optimisation.

Why Choose Us

woman in a phone call

South Australian Owned And Operated

Proudly South Australian owned and operated, our company is deeply committed to supporting and contributing to the local community's growth and prosperity.

people in a meeting

Network Of Experienced Professionals

We employ a wide range of talented professionals, including carbon measurement auditors, engineers, battery specialists, and lighting designers.

Unrecognizable worker using special pliers to cut wire on solar panels.

Highest Quality Products, Guaranteed

10 years Solar Panel Product

25 years Solar Panel Performance

10 years Inverter Manufacturers Warranty

5 years Installation


Business Solar Enquiry Form

To enquire about any of our business solar products, fill out the form below and we will be in touch.

Business Solar

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Business Solar FAQs

LGCs are available for solar energy systems that are above 100kW. In a similar way to STCs, LGCs are a government incentive for installing solar energy systems, however, the way in which the incentive is applied to the system is different to STCs. The main difference is that they cannot be deemed upfront like STCs can.

As a guide, one LGC is equal to one megawatt hour of eligible renewable electricity. Once created and validated, these certificates act as a form of currency and can be sold and transferred to other individuals and businesses at a negotiated price. LGCs are usually sold to electricity retailers, who are required to surrender a set number of certificates to the Clean Energy Regulator each year.

For more detailed information on LGCs, visit the Clean Energy Regulator website.

STCs are government incentives that help to reduce the upfront cost of installing your energy solution, and apply to systems that are below 100kW. That’s all residential size systems and some commercial size systems. The number and value of STCs your solution receives differs depending on its size and location in Australia. To be eligible for STCs, your solar solution needs to be installed by a Clean Energy Council accredited installer, and ZEN only uses these.

For more detailed information on STCs, visit the Clean Energy Regulator website.

A solar feed-in-tariff is the amount that your electricity retailer pays you for any electricity your solar energy solution generates that you don’t use or store, and is instead fed back into the grid.

Feed-in tariffs differ between states and retailers, and between the years in which a solar energy system was installed. If you are unsure of the feed-in tariff you should be getting for your solar energy or how long you will be receiving that tariff for, speak to your electricity retailer or an energy advisory service in your area.

The time it takes to have your solution installed and up and running will depend on a few factors like the size of your system, and how long your energy provider takes to arrange any necessary meter alterations and your grid connection. MAC Trade Services  will help you with all necessary paperwork and arrange the required applications for your solution, but, we cannot control how long your energy provider takes to carry out their work and have you up and running. We will keep you in the loop regarding the progress of your solution and any holdups along the way. The installation itself will typically take up to one day for a residential size system.

Contact us for your customised solar solution

Terms and Conditions

To look at the terms and conditions for MAC Trade Services - Business Solar, please use the button to download the PDF.